Eureka Springs schools will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, January seventeenth due to inclement weather. There will be no school tomorrow, January seventeenth. Stay safe and warm!
11 months ago, Rick Mann
The Eureka Springs School Diistrict will be closed tomorrow, Tuesday, January sixteenth, due to inclement weather. There will be no school tomorrow, January sixteenth. Stay safe and warm!
11 months ago, Rick Mann
Eureka Springs Schools will dismiss at 2:00 today due to inclement weather. Car riders can be picked up at 1:30. Stay safe and warm!
11 months ago, Eureka Springs School District
The Eureka Springs After-School Program will be closed today, January 12, due to inclement weather.
11 months ago, Eureka Springs Elementary
No School on Monday, January 15th!
12 months ago, Eureka Springs School District
January is School Board Member Recognition Month! We thank our board members for their valuable service to the students, staff and parents of the Eureka Springs School District. Eureka Springs School Board Members L to R: Al Larson, Gayla Wolfinbarger, Chris McClung, Joe Hill and Jayme Wildeman . (Not pictured: Jason Morris and Candace Spaulding)
12 months ago, Eureka Springs Schools
board members
Eureka Springs Elementary School Lifetouch Picture ID Code: EVTM9VMGX Tuesday, January 16, 2024
12 months ago, Mandy Elsey
Hey Highlander fans! The start time has been changed to 4:00 for the basketball games on Monday against Ozark Catholic. See you there!
12 months ago, Eureka Springs School District
Scottie Families, Please help us reach our attendance goals by striving for LESS THAN 5 ABSENCES this semester. Missed school=Missed learning!
12 months ago, Eureka Springs Elementary
Students of the ESHS NAMI club received a generous donation from the Our United Women In Faith group to continue to purchase hygiene products for students. Thank you for the donation!
12 months ago, Eureka Springs Schools
Nami group
Parents and Families, We wanted to make you aware of our safety procedures that were followed today. While local police were following an active situation, our schools pivoted to a 'secure' level. All students remained safely locked in the buildings while administrators kept in contact with the situation. Additional police security and State Police were on site for extra precaution. At this time, the situation is all clear. We take the safety of students and staff as our number one priority and concern.
12 months ago, Eureka Springs Schools
important announcement
Important Info for ESHS Students!
12 months ago, Eureka Springs High School
schedule information
Students return on Wednesday, January 3, 2024.
12 months ago, Mandy Elsey
HAPPY HOLIDAYS from all of us at ESES! See you on January 3!
about 1 year ago, Eureka Springs Elementary
Once again, tomorrow’s Holiday lunch will be free for all students and staff! Thank you, Eureka Springs School District. Enjoy and Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Child Nutrition
ESES Holiday Lunch 2023
ESMS Holiday Lunch 2023
ESHS Holiday Lunch 2023
The Eureka Springs Angel Tree program is officially closed. Pickup dates are Wednesday, Dec 13 and Thursday, Dec 14. If you were signed up, please come by the high school office from 8:30-2:30. Thank you to EVERYONE that assisted with the program! Happy holidays!
about 1 year ago, Eureka Springs Schools
angel tree
Make plans to attend the Band Concert on Tuesday!
about 1 year ago, Eureka Springs Schools
christmas program
Elementary Students and Staff: Join in on the fun! Dec 18th-Holiday HAT day! Dec 19th-Holiday SWEATER day!
about 1 year ago, Eureka Springs Elementary
about 1 year ago, Mandy Elsey
Congratulations to our Northark CNA and EMT Medical students! Several students participated in graduation last night in Harrison, a few a. These students have completed college credits and earned certifications before they even graduated high school!! If you are an upcoming Junior or Senior and interested in this program, talk to your high school counselor!
about 1 year ago, Eureka Springs Schools